Milan Kajínek

27. 1. 2021

The Czech comic book project Davids and Goliath announced that in the first half of February 2021 it will launch a crowd funding campaign on the HitHit platform to obtain funding for the creation of a comic book mapping the international investigation of crimes in contemporary China.

The project is based on the results of more than 14-year-long monitoring of the abuse of political prisoners in the People’s Republic of China. Among other things, it draws on investigative reports and face-to-face meetings between the writers of the script and investigators.

A professional Czech comic book studio took over the drawing of the comic book. The cartoonists wish to remain anonymous. The case is still alive and causing strong reactions from the Chinese regime, and the cartoonists do not want to risk restrictions of movement as a result of the Chinese regime’s supposed repressions.

When we look back at the cases of Miss Canada 2015 Anastasia Lin or the head of the NBA Houston Rockets and many other cases, their concerns are reasonable and well-founded.

Below we offer several photos that the project has released for publication.

“We have prepared a script and the first drawings for a comic book, in which more than a dozen characters of real people appear. They have been involved in the investigation of serious crimes in China since 2006. Three of them were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their work,” the co-author of the project said.

The comic tells the story of how investigative reports came about and sparked a worldwide debate about the abuse of modern transplant surgery in China. It is related to the violent repression at the turn of the millennium, which resulted in the persecution of supporters of the Falun Gong meditation practice and culminated in the liquidation of large groups of dissidents (Christians, Uighurs and Tibetans).

“We plan to bring the realities of the buildings, cities, airports and the faces of real characters into the story. Of course, it will be necessary to artistically complete some parts of the story and incorporate everything into a simple story line,” the authors of the project say.

In the comic book will appear more than a dozen characters of real people. They have been involved in the investigation of serious crimes in China since 2006. Three of them were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their work. (courtesy of Davids and Goliath)
In the comic book will appear more than a dozen characters of real people. They have been involved in the investigation of serious crimes in China since 2006. Three of them were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their work. (courtesy of Davids and Goliath)

The prominent Czech writer Karel Čapek, in his works such as Krakatit, War with the Newts or The White Disease, made readers uneasy by writing about serious topics and catastrophic scenarios – rightly so. Not only when looking at history, but above all, when looking at current events, we must continue with this incitement. What’s more, we ourselves have to go into battle,” the project in the upcoming page at HitHit platform stated.

With this comic, the authors want to add “fuel to the fire of resistance” and draw attention to crimes that “cannot be tolerated.”

“The abuse of life-saving science and the rise of the Communist Party’s totalitarian power in China, has lost all moral impediments,” the founders of the project say.

Contact the project here:

[1] Investigation:

Bloody Harvest – Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China / David Kilgour and David Matas (2007). On-line

Bloody Harvest / Slaughter – An Update / Kilgour, Matas, Gutmann (2016). On-line

The Slaughter: Mass killings, organ harvesting, and China’s secret solution to its dissident problem (2015). On-line

WOIPFG: On-line

ETAC: The International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China. On-line

COHRC: Cina Organ Harvest Research Center. On-line

China Tribunal: On-line (2019)

IRCC: On-line

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