Redakce Epoch Times

24. 3. 2020

PRAGUE – Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš read on Mar. 24 a message at an extraordinary meeting in the Chamber of Deputies, which he received in an SMS message to his mobile phone. He read the message at the end of a speech on the current situation in the fight against the outbreak of the CCP virus otherwise known as coronavirus, and passed it on to all citizens.

„This is the most difficult period that the Czech Republic has experienced in its modern history,“ the Prime Minister said at the beginning of the speech and added at the end. „I would like to relay a message I have received that inspires me and I would like to give it to all citizens of the country,“ the Prime Minister said during a closing speech in the Chamber of Deputies in an extraordinary meeting.

“Dear God, give us the power of the spirit to rectify the general things. Give us, dear God, the power of the soul to rectify general things. Give us, dear God, the power to trust our self. I believe in the wisdom of my physical body. Grace and blessing to everything and everyone,“ The Prime Minister quoted the inspirational message he received.

The message was applauded by the present deputies.

“Dear God, give us the power of the spirit to rectify the general things. Give us, dear God, the power of the soul to rectify general things. Give us, dear God, the power to trust our self. I believe in the wisdom of my physical body. Grace and blessing to everything and everyone.“

Situation in the Czech Republic

As regards the fight against the coronavirus, all primary, secondary and tertiary schools have been closed in the Czech Republic since March 2020. The government has declared a state of emergency and compulsory quarantine. All stores with the exception of stores with key daily use goods are closed. There is a ban on the free movement of persons within the Czech Republic and the crossing of the country’s borders.

In the Czech Republic, as of Mar. 24, there are a total of 1,394 cases of coronavirus infection. Three people have died as a result of COVID-19.

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