Milan Kajínek

25. 10. 2021

PRAGUE Representatives of Taiwanese companies met today with their Czech counterparts at the Alcron Hotel. The delegation consists of three Taiwanese ministers, their deputies and about fifty leading businessmen. This is the largest Taiwanese business visit to the Czech Republic in the history of both countries.

After the meeting, Miloš Vystrčil, President of the Czech Senate, and Ming-Hsin Kung, Chairman of the National Development Council of Taiwan, who also heads the Taiwanese business delegation in the Czech Republic, spoke to the media.

Senate President Miloš Vystrčil said that for him the visit of the Taiwanese delegation is primarily about promoting democracies in the world and creating „mutually beneficial cooperation“.

„These negotiations are strategically, tactically and politically very important,“ Miloš Vystrčil, President of the Czech Senate

Vystrčil appreciated the gift that the island state gave to the Czech Republic in the form of one million respirators, dozens of breathing apparatus and a production line during the coronavirus crisis. The Czech Republic, in turn, donated 30 000 vaccines against covid-19 to Taiwan.

The Senate President also said that the visit of the Taiwanese delegation is expected to lead to a real increase in cooperation and trade between the two countries.

Taiwanese companies are coming to the Czech Republic to look for opportunities for cooperation in ICT, green technologies, Internet of Things (loT), cyber security, healthcare, smart cities, tourism, banking and electric vehicles.

Senator Pavel Fischer, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security, said that the European Union is currently conducting a decision-making process on the possible conclusion of an investment agreement with Taiwan.

Negotiations with Taiwanese officials, Fischer said, will help „safeguard democracy and the rule of law in the high-tech sector“.


An important delegation consisting of three Taiwanese ministers, their deputies and about fifty leading business leaders.

The Taiwanese business delegation is led by the Minister of the National Development Council, Ming-hsin Kung, and the Minister of Science and Technology, Tsung-tsong Wu.

Taiwanese companies are coming to the Czech Republic to seek opportunities for cooperation in the fields of ICT, green technology, Internet of Things (loT), cybersecurity, health care, smart cities, tourism, banking and electric vehicles.

The sixty-six-member group is made up of representatives from the government, prominent Taiwanese companies and research institutes such as the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), the National Space Organization and the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency. Among the companies represented will be chipmaker SEMI / an association of semiconductor companies.

„Thank you for the very warm welcome of our delegation,“ said Ming-Hsin Kung, Chairman of the National Development Council of Taiwan, who is also leading the Taiwanese business delegation.

Ming-Hsin Kung confirmed that more than 150 bilateral meetings are taking place during the visit, during which contacts are being transferred and business negotiations are being conducted.

„This opens up a unique opportunity for us to establish cooperation in sectors in which Taiwan is a global leader,“ – Pavel Diviš, Chairman of the Czech-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce.

According to the chairman of the National Development Council of Taiwan, further areas of increased trade are opening up in the sectors of internet security, space industry, green energy, engineering and other fields. Several memorandums have been signed between the two countries in this regard.

„Taiwan is one of the most competitive and innovative economies in the world. After last year’s visit by Senate President Miloš Vystrčil, we have a lot of support in Taiwan. This opens up a unique opportunity for us to establish cooperation in sectors in which Taiwan is a global leader,“ says Pavel Diviš, Chairman of the Czech-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce.

„Thanks to its strategic location in the centre of Europe and its educated people, the Czech Republic is an equal partner that not only handles production with precision, but also comes up with its own ideas and approaches that can stand up to fierce international competition,“ adds Diviš.

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